Cost of Termite Inspection and Treatment 2020

Every homeowner considers their home as the biggest investment that will last for the long term and even for a lifetime. However, the moment pests like termites invade our home, it may become a damaging issue for the said investment. Knowing this, you might want to protect your home for this kind of pest infestation and ask for the service of termite exterminators. But, the cost of termite inspection and treatment may vary.

As we go along, we will share to you the factors that may affect the cost of treating the house infested with termites. Aside from that, we will also give you an overview of the signs that may reveal that our house is already infested. So, if you’re ready to keep those bugs away and make a house free of termites, let’s start to discover each treatment and its cost.  

Signs of Termite Infestation

Generally, the close identification of termite is an insect that comes in a large group or colony that eats wood. Primarily, some areas of the world need the presence of termites in order to recycle the wood and other plant material. But, this is generally in contrast when it deals with our homes or houses. 

Typically, no one would want to see the presence of these wood-eating insects inside our house. Termites can actually eat the house structure and foundation thus compromising its stability. Moreover, termites will also look for other wood items inside the house to eat it.

Basically, knowing that your home is being infested by termites is the number one indication that you demand a termite inspection and treatment. But, how would you know if you have termites inside your home? Below are signs that show termites infestation in your home.

1. Mud tunnels

Generally, termites have the ability to build tunnels made of muds. Primarily, this is one way for them to keep themselves moisturized during their food searching process. Normally, you will notice these mud tubes running along your house foundation.

2. Termite wings

Another sign that shows termite infestation is the swarming of termites wings that usually fall off. Once you see those pest wings, it is already an indication that you already have termites inside your house.

3. Termite droppings

Initially, this is the most common sign of termite infestation which calls for termite inspection and treatment. Generally, these termite droppings are also known as frass and usually come in the color of the wood.

4. Flying termites

Flying termites or the swarmers are other indications of termite invasion. Basically, their appearance inside the house may vary in times based on the type of termites. Typically, the subterranean species of termites can be seen swarming during the springtime. Meanwhile, in the case of the drywood termites, you cannot predict the time of their appearance.

Generally, once your house has been infested with termites, keep in mind that the entire house is subject for a treatment inspection and treatment that comes with a cost. Do not ignore this treatment process inside your house because termites appear in colonies which spread out easily. Moreover, they invade many parts of the house.

Furthermore, once an entire house termite inspection and treatment is finished, a spot treatment should be followed. In addition to that, spot treatment is a follow-up treatment for specific treatment strongholds. Aside from that, the cost of termite inspection and treatment may not offer warranty for the work of pest controllers if the entire house is not subject to treatment.

Factors that determine the cost of termite inspection and treatment

Generally, one must understand that every home is not the same. In terms of termite inspection and treatment, you just need to identify the type of termite method that you might choose. Basically, the services and methods for termite treatment should be based on the linear footage of the house. Actually, the linear footage is the house perimeter and not the house square footage.

Basically, the total cost of termite inspection and treatment may be affected by the size of the house, the area of infestation, and the house foundation. Moreover, the extent of infestation may also affect the cost of treatment.

Typically, because of this, it is actually ideal to have a termite inspection first prior to its treatment. This will help to identify the type of termiticide to be used. Moreover, termite inspection may also serve as a guide to assess the number of baits needed. 

Is it good to have a home termite treatment?

Nowadays, there are available DIY treatments designed for eliminating termites inside your home. However, this is not actually recommended. Basically, the chemical quantity required to treat the house for termites is not generally safe for simple home application. Moreover, the person applying such chemicals for treatment must be knowledgeable with the safety techniques. 

Furthermore, you may not be aware of the proper method in eliminating the types of termite inside your home and the possible problem to deal with. Actually, treating the problem which you assume without knowing the type of colony invading your house may lead to a bigger problem. Generally, treating your home alone using DIY termite treatments may delay the inevitable and may let you get more house damage.

Cost of Termite Inspection and Treatment by Hiring a Termite Exterminator 

Actually, termite inspection and treatment come in various ways and they usually have costs. Generally, the cost of termite inspection and treatment depends on the size and extent of the infestation, the location, and the treatment method. Moreover, many cases of termite treatment utilized the treatment based on linear foot.

cost of termite inspection and treatment

For example, a 2,500 sq. ft. a house that has a 24’ by 50’ footprint may cover 148 linear feet termite treatment coverage. Basically, an estimation of around $600 to $2,400 would be an average cost of termite inspection and treatment for said house measurement. Moreover, in terms of chemical treatment for termites, many homeowners may spend an estimated cost of $1,500. 

Cost of Termite Inspection and Treatment Based on Methods

Generally, professional termite exterminators use several methods of termite treatments. The cost of termite inspection and treatment may also vary depending on the types of treatments to be used.


Usually, a micro treatment works on a termite problem within a small area of the house. This type of treatment utilizes heat instead of chemicals and baiting to prevent the spreading of the problem. Typically, this termite treatment has an estimated average cost of around $1,150. Moreover, it may vary depending on the company for their range of the problem size that they may treat.


Basically, the liquid termiticide takes effect by spraying it over the foundation of the house infested by termites. The spray has a saturating coat in order to repel and kill the termites at the same time. Actually, newer liquid termiticide products with newer and updated formulas are not that harsh to kill the termites even to repel them. However, this type of termite treatment is somehow effective.

Typically, the cost of this liquid termiticide treatment has an estimated cost of about $4 to $16 per linear foot. Generally, most homeowners opting for this type of treatment pays $10 per linear foot. Meanwhile, those with houses that have 148 linear feet may pay around $1,500.


Primarily, the material for termite bait is either a paper, cardboard, or other wood-related termite food which has been incorporated with a substance that may be lethal for the termites. The substance contained inside the bait slowly acts to kill the termites. 

Actually, termite bait works by placing it in a tube and buried underground. Usually, it must be buried away from the house structure. Once the termites discover this bait, they migrate into it and eat it.

Afterwards, they will bring it back to their nest and the entire colony dies off slowly. Moreover, the use of combined liquid and bait applications varies per pest control service providers and on the situation. 

The cost of termite inspection and treatment under this method usually ranges from around $800 – $3,200. However, this is applicable to a house of 2,500 sq. ft. Moreover, most homes pay an estimated average cost of $2,000 depending on the number of baits and its type. 

Furthermore, the following factors generally affect the cost of termite baiting:

  • Home layout
  • A landscape within the house premises such as the rock garden, shrubs, and bushes
  • Concrete structures around the house like garage, driveways, walkways, and patios


Basically, termite fumigation is the most common method used in some regions. Moreover, this type of termite treatment is pretty applicable for drywood termites in which other methods may find it difficult to exterminate this type of pests.

Usually, this termite treatment works by tenting the house for a few days. Additionally, it used a fumigant that is really toxic in order to kill termites. Aside from that, opting for this treatment requires the people and pets inside the house to move out during the treatment process.

Furthermore, they will also seal the house tightly for the purpose of keeping the neighbors from acquiring sickness due to the fumigant. Generally, the cost of termite inspection and treatment using the fumigation method has an estimated average cost of around $10 to $20 per linear foot. In a 148 linear feet house, this treatment would cost an average estimated amount of $2,200.

You may also read Tips on How to Get Rid of Termites Without Tenting


Primarily, one way to treat your house from termites is to use the heat treatment method. Like with tenting, the house infested with termites is also tented as well while the process is on-going. Generally, this is done for the purpose of maintaining the heat inside the house.

Basically, the good thing about heat treatment method is that it does not require any harsh chemicals. Moreover, the house is also heated because the goal is to heat the center of the wood products to reach 120 degrees. Upon reaching this temperature, it holds for around 33 minutes.

Typically, this heat treatment is effective and actually less toxic. People, as well as pets living inside the house, may leave it for just a few hours instead of days. However, the downside of using this termite treatment is that the heat-sensitive products inside the house may get damage.

Furthermore, the cost of termite inspection and treatment using heat treatment for houses with 1,600 sq. ft. is about $1,600. Meanwhile, a 2,500 sq. ft. the house would cost around $2,500. This simply means that heat treatment will have a cost of around $1 per sq. ft. 

Cost of termite inspection and treatment for labor costs

Typically, when you want to subject your home for termite inspection and treatment, it is essential to look for a trusted pest control company. There are some termite exterminator companies that give free inspection. Yet, few may charge you for doing a pre-inspection.

Basically, the cost of an inspection may range from about $120 to $350 based on the house and yard size. It is highly advisable to go after a pest control company with an authorized license and references.

Additional things to consider and other fees

The following things may also be taken into account when you want to quantify the cost of termite inspection and treatment:

  • Recurrence of infestation – Implementation of a good treatment may also result in termite recurrence. Generally, a good termite treatment may last for five years.
  • Seasons and infestation – Basically, during the spring season, a termite infestation can be easily detected.
  • Insurance – Primarily, the insurance policy does not cover home damage due to termites as it is actually preventable

Final Thoughts

The cost of termite inspection and treatment may generally vary depending on several factors. These factors include the infested house size, the size and extent of the infestation, and the type of treatment. Moreover, it is highly recommendable not to attempt doing home treatment all by yourself. This is due to the fact that the knowledge and safety measures regarding the use of chemicals for termite treatment might be met.

Furthermore, once you found termite infestation inside your house, better contact a reputable termite exterminator that you can trust. Aside from having the knowledge of doing the appropriate termite treatment in your house, they will also offer a cost that highly depends on their quality of work to kill those termites.