How To Get Rid Of Drain Flies In The Bathroom Or Shower?

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Drain flies are tiny, harmless insects that can be seen flying around your bathroom or shower. They mainly feed on organic matter and can become a nuisance if they start to breed and multiply. This article will discuss how to get rid of drain flies, what causes them, and ways to prevent them from infesting your home.

What Are Drain Flies And What Causes Them?

Identifying Drain Flies

Drain flies, also known as sewer gnats, are small, dark-colored flies that are about 1/8th inch in length and have a distinctive fuzzy appearance. These flies are found in moist and humid areas and are commonly seen around bathroom and shower drains. Drain flies cannot fly for a long distance and often rest on walls and ceilings.

Possible Causes Of Drain Flies

Drain flies are attracted to moist and damp areas, making your bathroom, shower, or sink a breeding ground for them. These flies often lay their eggs in organic matter such as hair, soap scum, and food particles that have accumulated in the drain. When the eggs hatch, the larvae feed on the organic matter and continue to grow until they turn into adult flies, which usually takes about 1-2 weeks.

Differentiating Drain Flies From Other Common Flies

It is essential to differentiate between drain flies and other common flies, such as fruit flies or sink flies, as the treatment method can vary. Unlike fruit flies, drain flies do not feed on fruits or vegetables and are not attracted to vinegar or wine. Sink flies, also known as filter flies, are commonly seen around sewage filtration systems and do not rest on walls or ceilings like drain flies do.

Why Are Drain Flies Harmful And How To Prevent Them?

Risk Of Drain Fly Infestation

Although drain flies are not harmful to humans and do not bite, a severe infestation can cause unpleasant odors and be a significant nuisance. Since drain flies multiply quickly, it is crucial to take preventive measures to avoid a severe drain fly issue.

Preventing Drain Flies From Entering Your Home

One effective way to prevent a drain fly infestation is by keeping your bathroom and shower drains clean and dry. Regularly pouring boiling water down the drain can help kill drain fly eggs and larvae. Similarly, using baking soda and vinegar, followed by boiling water, can also help remove organic matter and kill drain flies. Commercial drain cleaners can also be used, but they can be harsh and toxic and should be used with caution.

How To Kill Drain Flies To Get Rid Of Them For Good?

One effective way to kill drain flies is by using apple cider vinegar in a small bowl, covering it with plastic wrap, and poking several small holes in it with a fork. The scent of the vinegar attracts the drain flies, and when they enter the bowl, they cannot fly out and eventually drown. Similarly, you can use sticky traps or fly swatters to kill adult drain flies.

What Are The Best Ways To Get Rid Of Drain Flies?

Boiling Water And Vinegar Method

As discussed earlier, pouring boiling water down the drain followed by vinegar and baking soda can be an effective way to kill drain flies. Boiling water can help remove clogs and kill drain fly eggs, while vinegar and baking soda help remove organic matter and kill larvae.

Baking Soda And Boiling Water Method

Another effective way to get rid of drain flies is by using baking soda and boiling water. To do this, pour about a cup of baking soda into the drain, followed by about two cups of boiling water. Let it sit for about 30 minutes before running hot water down the drain to flush out any remaining debris and kill any remaining larvae.

Commercial Drain Cleaners To Kill Drain Flies

A final option is to use commercial drain cleaners to kill drain flies. However, as mentioned earlier, these can be harsh and toxic and should be used with caution. Be sure to read the instructions carefully before using.

How To Get Rid Of Standing Water In The Sink?

Pipe Maintenance To Prevent Drain Flies

Another effective way to prevent drain flies from breeding is by maintaining your pipes and plumbing fixtures. Regular pipe cleaning can help remove clogs, organic matter, and debris that can serve as breeding grounds for drain flies.

How To Get Water Down The Drain Faster?

If your sink is draining slowly, you can use a plunger to create suction and help remove clogs and debris. Another effective way to get rid of standing water is by using a plumbing snake, which can help break up stubborn clogs and remove debris.

Using Apple Cider Vinegar To Trap Drain Flies

As mentioned earlier, using apple cider vinegar can be an effective way to trap drain flies. Simply pour some apple cider vinegar into a small bowl, cover it with plastic wrap, and poke several small holes in it with a fork. The scent of the vinegar attracts the drain flies, and they eventually drown in the bowl.

What Are The Other Types Of Flies That Reside In Drains?

Moth Flies

Moth flies are similar in size and appearance to drain flies and are often found around drains, sewage, and septic systems. However, unlike drain flies, moth flies are attracted to light and can be found resting on walls and ceilings during the day.

Sink Flies

Sink flies, also known as filter flies, are small, dark-colored flies that are commonly seen around sewage filtration systems and do not rest on walls or ceilings like drain flies do. They are attracted to decaying organic matter and lay their eggs in drains and plumbing fixtures.

Filter Flies

Filter flies, as the name suggests, are commonly found around sewage filtration systems and are attracted to decaying organic matter. They are small and dark-colored and can be seen resting on walls and ceilings around infected areas.

How To Prevent Drain Fly Infestation From Coming Back?

Regular Maintenance To Keep Drains Clean And Dry

The best way to prevent drain flies from coming back is by maintaining a clean and dry environment around your home and regularly cleaning your bathroom and shower drains. By eliminating the breeding grounds for drain flies, you can prevent them from multiplying and becoming a nuisance.

Professional Pest Control Services

If you have a severe drain fly infestation, it may be best to call in professional pest control services to help eliminate the problem. Pest control experts have the tools and expertise to identify drain fly infestations, remove breeding grounds, and apply treatments that are safe and effective.

How To Identify Drain Fly Infestation?

One way to identify a drain fly infestation is by noticing small, dark-colored flies flying around your bathroom or shower area. You may also notice drains clogging frequently or foul odors coming from your sink or drain.

In summary, drain flies can become a nuisance if they start to breed and multiply. However, by maintaining a clean and dry environment and by using preventive measures such as pouring boiling water down the drain or using apple cider vinegar to trap adult drain flies, you can kill drain flies and prevent them from infesting your home. Remember to call professional pest control services if you have a severe drain fly infestation that you cannot control on your own.


Q: How can I identify if I have a drain fly problem?

A: If you notice small flies buzzing around your bathroom or shower, especially near the drains, it’s likely that you have a drain fly infestation. These flies are small, fuzzy, and grey or black in color.

Q: What causes drain flies to come?

A: Drain flies love stagnant water and organic matter that can accumulate inside drains, especially in bathroom drains. If you have a drain that hasn’t been used in a while or water that sits in the bottom of the shower or sink overnight, this can attract drain flies.

Q: Can drain flies also be called fruit flies?

A: Drain flies are sometimes mistaken for fruit flies due to their small size and similar appearance. However, fruit flies are typically attracted to decaying fruit and sugary substances, while drain flies are attracted to stagnant water and organic matter in drains.

Q: What are some solutions to get rid of drain flies?

A: There are several solutions to get rid of drain flies, including pouring boiling water down the drain, using a mixture of baking soda and vinegar, or using a commercial drain cleaner. It’s also important to clean and clear out your drain pipes regularly to prevent future infestations.

Q: How can I remove drain flies quickly and for good?

A: One effective method for getting rid of drain flies quickly is to pour a cup of white vinegar down the drain and let it sit for an hour before flushing with hot water. To prevent future infestations, it’s important to regularly clean your drain pipes and cover your drains when not in use.

Q: Do drain flies bite?

A: No, drain flies don’t bite humans or animals. They are mostly just a nuisance and can be unsanitary if they are left to thrive for too long inside the drain.

Q: Should I remove the drain cover to get rid of drain flies?

A: Yes, removing the drain cover and using a flashlight to inspect inside the drain can help you locate any drain fly larvae or buildup inside the drain.

Q: How long does it take to remove drain flies?

A: Depending on the severity of the infestation, it can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to completely clear out your drain and remove drain flies for good.

Q: What are some common drain fly breeding sites?

A: The most common drain fly breeding sites are inside the drain pipes themselves, particularly in areas where water may sit for some time. Additionally, drain flies can also breed in standing water near the drain or in moisture-prone areas of the bathroom.

Q: Is there anything else I should know about getting rid of drain flies?

A: It’s important to remember that drain flies may also be called moth flies or sink flies and can often be mistaken for other types of flies. If you notice flies around your home and suspect a drain fly problem, it’s best to take action quickly to prevent a larger infestation.